الاثنين، 8 يونيو 2015

Routing 1

at network routing function may be occurred dynamically or statically

Static routing : Static routing occurs when you, the network administrator manually add or   configure routes on each router interface with IP addresses. This is no  simple task, especially when 
you are administering a large network. 

 : In as much as its a complex task, there are benefits of static routes 
Bandwidth usage between router is at a minimum, none in some cases.

  There is no overhead on the router CPU.
  It adds security due to choice of route configuration by the administrator.

  It reduces the amount of routes found in the routing table.

  Disadvantages of Static Routes:

Takes too much man hours for configuration especially in a large network.

 Too complex and can sometime be confusing during troubleshooting.

ip route command 
          {destination network address} {mask}  {next hop address or exit interface}#

for example

If we need to static route for destination (pc5,pc6,pc7) from source (pc1,pc2.pc3).    What shall I do 

Remember the Static Router command syntax:
Ip route {destination network address} {mask}  {next hop address or exit interface}
 :Static Route configuration on HQ router

HQ(config)#ip route se2/0
HQ(config)#interface se2/0
HQ(config-if)#clock rate 64000


 Bandwidth usage between router is at a minimum, none in some cases.
ii.   There is no overhead on the router CPU.
 iii.  It adds security due to choice of route configuration by the administrator.
iv.  It reduces the amount of routes found in the routing table.
Disadvantages of Static Routes:
i.   Takes too much man hours for configuration especially in a large network.
ii.  Too complex and can sometime be confusing during troubleshooting.
- See more at: http://orbit-computer-solutions.com/How-to-Configure-Static-Routes.php#sthash.huUJPMcQ.dpufBandwidth usage between router is at a minimum, none in some cases.
ii.   There is no overhead on the router CPU.
 iii.  It adds security due to choice of route configuration by the administrator.
iv.  It reduces the amount of routes found in the routing table.
Disadvantages of Static Routes:
i.   Takes too much man hours for configuration especially in a large network.
ii.  Too complex and can sometime be confusing during troubleshooting.
- See more at: http://orbit-computer-solutions.com/How-to-Configure-Static-Routes.php#sthash.huUJPMcQ.dpufBandwidth usage between router is at a minimum, none in some cases.
ii.   There is no overhead on the router CPU.
 iii.  It adds security due to choice of route configuration by the administrator.
iv.  It reduces the amount of routes found in the routing table.
Disadvantages of Static Routes:
i.   Takes too much man hours for configuration especially in a large network.
ii.  Too complex and can sometime be confusing during troubleshooting.
- See more at: http://orbit-computer-solutions.com/How-to-Configure-Static-Routes.php#sthash.huUJPMcQ.dpuf

Dynamic routing :  shows how routers can discover this information automatically and share that information with other routers via dynamic routing protocols. A routing protocol is  the language a router speaks with other routers in order to share information about the reach ability and status of networks.

 :  Dynamic routing metrics         

    Hop count:  A hop count metric simply counts router hops
 Bandwidth: A bandwidth metric would choose a higher-bandwidth path over a lower-bandwidth link. However, bandwidth by itself still may not be a good metric.
Reliability: reliability metrics are based on known qualities of a link as determined by the network administrator. The path with highest reliability would be selected as best.

    Delay: Delay is a measure of the time a packet takes to traverse a route. A routing protocol using delay as a 
metric would choose the path with the least delay as the best path. 

    Load: This metric reflects the amount of traffic utilizing the links along the path. The best path is the one with the lowest load.

   Cost : best path is the lowest cost
  ( cost = FN ( metrics

   Convergence : A dynamic routing protocol must include a set of procedures for a router to inform other routers about its directly connected networks, to receive and process the same information from other routers, and to pass along the information it receives from other routers. Further, a routing protocol must define a metric by which best paths may be determined.

    Load balancing: the practice of distributing traffic among multiple paths to the same destination in order to use bandwidth efficiently. 

show route command 
              show ip route #         

Ip route {destination network address} {mask}  {next hop address or exit interface} - See more at: http://orbit-computer-solutions.com/How-to-Configure-Static-Routes.php#sthash.huUJPMcQ.dpuf
   :  Dynamic routing protocols

(Classifying Routing Protocols (

Routing protocols can be classified into different groups according to their characteristics. Specifically, routing protocols can be classified by their:

  • (Purpose: Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) or Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP
  • Operation: Distance vector protocol, link-state protocol, or path-vector protocol
  • Behavior: Classful (legacy) or classless protocol
  • For example, IPv4 routing protocols are classified as follows:
  • RIPv1 (legacy): IGP, distance vector, classful protocol
  • IGRP (legacy): IGP, distance vector, classful protocol developed by Cisco (deprecated from 12.2 IOS and later)
  • RIPv2: IGP, distance vector, classless protocol
  • EIGRP: IGP, distance vector, classless protocol developed by Cisco
  • OSPF: IGP, link-state, classless protocol
  • IS-IS: removed from ccna coursel
  • BGP: removed from ccna course

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